Agya Chakra

The Spiritual Eye
Agya Chakra

The highest energy center in the spine, this chakra is the center of discrimination, intellect, intuition, and high spiritual awareness. Its location is at the base of the skull, at the medulla oblongata, where Paramhansa Yogananda said that cosmic energy flows into the body.

The opposite pole of this chakra is the spiritual eye at the point between the eyebrows. This point is also called the “Christ Center,” or in Sanskrit, the “Kutastha Chaitanya.”

The true appearance of this chakra, as seen in meditation, is a golden ring surrounding a field of blue, with a silvery-white star in the center.

Location: The point between the eyebrows
Beneficial aspect: Divine consciousness
Harmful aspect: Ego, which is “the soul identified with the body”

I awake in Thy Light, I awake in Thy Light, I am joyful, I am free, I awake in Thy Light!